Image from wall posters series entitled "Reading In Bed."

Bar Maven Exhibits Wall Posters

Wall Posters Are for Adult Rooms Only

This new wall posters series offers artwork for adult rooms.  The 9 pieces I installed thiImage from wall posters series entitled "Reading In Bed."s week burst saturated color into the dim venue lighting.  Patrons can take their time reading the lines and spaces between bodies, while unwinding with an after work beverage.  In some cases it’s obvious, in others you have to think about it and look back a few times.

The bodies in question are trying to read a book, well one of them is at least.  It’s a funny attempt that fails, but not before the images are cast in vibrant pinks and oranges, blues, purples, and greens.

A Romantic Journey Through Lands of Skin

The story gets told when the book is discarded.  This story is personal, the first time I have traveled through such landscapes.  But the lands aren’t made of earth and water, but of skin and romance.  This wall posters series tells the humorous story of trying to read in bed with someone else.  I thought it would be funny conceptually as well as logistically.

What truly inspired me to make this new series of artwork was the beauty of the spaces between human beings, between their bodies, hearts, and minds.

I wanted to represent these sacred spaces visually, to express their rich fullness and graceful proportion.  It took concerted effort to watch for the right moments and to capture them.  Then I obscured the graphics, like looking through a fuzzy lens or wearing glasses in a humid room.  The result is organic proportions and lines naturally pleasing to look at while having a cocktail in the light of early evening.

Not for kids rooms, these wall posters are a sultry addition to mature spaces that need spice.

See the series of wall posters for adults entitled “Reading In Bed” on exhibit through June 2016 at Bar Maven on Foster in Portland.  To purchase, visit the shop HERE.