Harmonically Designed

Home Decor and Art

That Heals Your Body And Connects Your Spirit

Based On The Spiritual Science Of Ancient Egypt

More Than Just Home Decor and Art, I Craft Harmonic Instruments

While I make a variety of types of home decor and art, from jewelry to sculpture to decorative wall panels, my main focus

is crafting scientifically verified instruments using the ancient Egyptian design system based on applied physics.

My artwork was independently verified in Cairo by world-reknowned architect and engineer Dr. Ibrahim Karim. He found it to be "very effective" at transmuting the EMF waveform and thereby protecting body organ systems from the radiation damage.

Harmonic Artworks are verified to provide EMF radiation protection of the human body and can be designed at any scale in any form and medium.


I am passionate about making home decor and art in a variety of media; although I don't consider myself to be a multimedia artist, my sculptures take form in concrete, fiber, metal, clay, and found objects. I make jewelry in silver, brass, steel, and stone; and my paintings are in acrylic, oil, and watercolor.


I'm excited to share my artwork with you - and now you can get a FREE print from one of my recent collections.


I hold an MFA in Applied Craft + Design, am a certified Therapeutic Art Life Coach,

and offer workshops, courses, and coaching to aspiring artists and entrepreneurs of all ages.


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